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Is your current hydration strategy and the products you are using addressing the needs of your workers appropriately?


Having researched the current industry hydration products in the market, we can confidently say that KODA Hydration can provide a hydration strategy for your workers that will encourage a safer, healthier and productive workplace.


With 25 years of applied research we can cut through the marketing hype and provide products, expertise and information on what is important to your workers when addressing their hydration needs.


Our blood is approximately 80% water and when we lose sweat to assist with cooling the body, we are reducing blood volume, which puts your workers at risk of dehydration and heat related illnesses. 

What we also lose is electrolytes in sweat. Through our applied research with industry workers and athletes we have found that the replacement of some electrolytes when experiencing sweat loss are more important than others.

As you can see from the graph below the amount of sodium we lose in sweat far exceeds the amount of potassium and magnesium lost in sweat. The amount of magnesium and potassium lost in sweat is comparatively low when compared to the amount of sodium.



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The concentration of electrolytes sodium, potassium and magnesium in sweat of 16 subjects. They cycled at 80% max / HR for one hour in 22 degrees and 45% humidity. The results of this test show the disparity between electrolytes lost in sweat. The concentration of electrolytes lost in sweat is measured in milligrams per one-litre of sweat. In this test the electrolyte composition per one-litre of sweat averaged out at - sodium 1061 mg. - potassium 195 mg - magnesium 3 mg.

KODA Electrolyte Powder contains 430 mg of

Sodium in each single serve stick pack.


Potassium and Magnesium are present in the KODA Electrolyte Powder

but in smaller amounts to reflect their losses in sweat.


The main focus of a safe and effective hydration strategy is to replace what the worker is losing most of and that is water and sodium.

Other brands may promote magnesium and potassium as the main minerals to focus on for hydration, BUT: 


While magnesium is an important mineral, the focus of any hydration strategy should be to replace what is being lost. As shown in the pie graph, magnesium makes up a very small percentage of the electrolyte lost in sweat.


Magnesium is the main ingredient in laxatives and having too much magnesium increases the risk of diarrhoea. This on top of sweating can lead to even more fluid and electrolyte loss. 

To highlight the need for magnesium replacement in a hydration solution is the saline drip analogy. A saline drip does not contain any magnesium. If magnesium was important to hydration it would be present in the saline drip.


Another important mineral is potassium and while there is some potassium present in sweat, it should not be the focus of the hydration strategy. Too much potassium can cause hyperkalemia, or heart arrhythmia's. This is when the potassium level in your blood is higher than normal.


Potassium should not be the focus of any hydration strategy for this very reason due to the volume of fluid some workers need to consume everyday to combat dehydration and the associated heat illnesses.



Drinking plain water alone only replaces one important part of sweat loss. The other important part is sodium. If a worker is experiencing sweat loss and only hydrating with plain water it can cause water intoxication, or medically described as hyponatremia.


Drinking plain water only can dilute the sodium concentration of our blood. This diluting of sodium in our bloodstream coupled with the sodium that is being lost in sweat can be potentially life threatening. A sound hydration strategy should provide water and sodium in a form that is palatable, portable and effective. 

KODA Electrolyte Powder provides a hydration strategy to ensure a healthier, safer and more productive workplace.

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©2023 by KODA Endurance Pty Ltd.

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